Window Slider jQuery Plugin

AJ January 19, 2023


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Window slider is jQuery plugin which automatically fades through images in a responsive, mobile-friendly 4-section window.

Window slider Implementation

Include required CSS and JavaScript files

Add images to the window slider as follows:


Enable the window slider and we're done

$(document).ready(function() {

Custmization Options

  • startPosition 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  • interval duration in milliseconds
  • & fadeOutSpeed duration in milliseconds
  • cycle 'standard' / 'reverse' / 'clockwise' / 'counter-clockwise'
$(document).ready(function() {
    // Override default settings
        startPosition: 1,
        interval: 3000,
        fadeOutSpeed: 400,
        fadeInSpeed: 1500,
        cycle: 'standard'


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