Emoji Picker free jQuery Plugin

Wolfgang March 04, 2023

Emoji Picker is a free jQuery plugin text input fields. The following is a list of the best places to find it. This Plugin is a great way to add a fun…
emoji picker free jquery plugin

Multi Tenancy

Dabeng January 24, 2023

Multi tenancy refers to the concept of multiple users or customers sharing the same resources, such as a software application or a physical infrastruc…
multi tenancy

Read More jQuery Plugin

Amardeep K January 19, 2023

doLessMore is a read more/read less jQuery plugin that truncates multi-line text by height and appends a toggle control to allow you to reveal or hide…
read more jquery plugin

Window Slider jQuery Plugin

AJ January 19, 2023

Window slider is jQuery plugin which automatically fades through images in a responsive, mobile-friendly 4-section window.
window slider jquery plugin